where do your ‘natural colours’ come from?
The natural pigments I work with are found by growing or gathering small, dispersed portions of plants and minerals from places that offer an abundance, and whose health is bolstered or not harmed by the harvesting. This might include healthy natural areas, industrial or developed sites, the garden, or from discarded household materials like scrap metal and food waste. The health of the ecosystem is prioritized over the gathering of any materials. I never gather materials from an area I haven’t visited more than once, and I won’t use a material that I haven’t taken the time to identify or learn about first. Pigments start out in their raw form – whole pieces of plants, rocks, clays, soils, metal, rinds, shells, and seeds from foods. I then process them into useable particles for making paints, dyes, and inks by pounding, grinding, sifting, or steeping and straining each material accordingly.
how long does it take to make a paint from natural pigments?
Depending on the medium and type of raw material it can take between a few hours and several days to make a natural paint, dye, or ink that is ready for use.
are natural pigments lightfast?
The longevity of natural pigments against light vary by their individual makeup and the medium they are mixed with. Some pigments handle exposure to direct sunlight better than others. Learning about the organic chemistry of the raw materials I work with helps me to select the most appropriate pigments for a piece while keeping its potential environment in mind.
how are your prints made?
All of my art prints are mindfully reproduced from detailed scans of my original natural paintings. They are printed locally using a large format printer on 100% cotton rag fine art paper with archival inks.
do you do commissions?
Not at this time but this may change in the future. I offer a new collections of work sporadically, or roughly once per year. Add yourself to my newsletter or follow me on Instagram for updates on new work.